Facial Reconstruction
Skin cancer reconstruction is the artistic reestablishment of an approximation of normal anatomy following resection of skin cancer by Mohs technique. Dr. Yellin uses his extensive creative talents and judgment as a surgeon to develop a successful operative plan that may include a combination of therapies, including primary closure, skin grafting, cartilage grafting, and skin or composite tissue flaps, both local (i.e., rearranging adjacent tissues to repair a defect) and regional (i.e., borrowing tissues from another location, such as the forehead, and moving them to a new location, such as the nose), to repair a defect.
All photographs and other material presented on this website are the property of Dr. Yellin. Please do not download or reproduce the images without the express consent of Dr. Yellin.
Disclaimer: Individual results may vary. No guarantee of results, stated or implied by any photo or statement on this website can be made. Please see full disclaimer.
Before & After Photos
*All photos shown are patients of Dr. Yellin and are the property of Marietta Facial Plastic Surgery, Laser & Aesthetics Center. Individual results may vary. Please see full disclaimer.